We help people reach their health goals, by listening, supporting, and guiding,
so they can live their best lives.
Thinking about a healthier lifestyle? The Wellness Wheel can help you figure out areas of your life that may require some attention.
Try using one of these worksheets to identify changes you might be ready for now:
Think about experimenting with just 1 or 2 habits at a time.
Talking with a health coach can help. You can get support and information in a brief chat with a coach as you discuss your health goals, the process of change, and your options for next steps.
This service is for Kaiser Permanente Northwest members at no additional cost. It is available Monday through Friday.
Este es un servicio gratuito para los miembros de Kaiser Permanente Northwest. El servicio está disponible de lunes a viernes.
Please scroll to the bottom of the page for booklets.
Consulte la parte inferior de la página para obtener folletos de bienestar gratis.
To set up a phone or video appointment:
- Call 503-286-6816 or 1-866-301-3866 and select option 2.
- Sign up online. Log on then click “Schedule appointment.” Select Health and Wellness Education. From there, select Health Coach, then follow the prompts to schedule a coaching appointment.
Having a coach can also help if:
- You know what you want to do to improve your health, but you haven’t done it.
- You’re working on your health, but struggling to stay on track.
- You used to do more for your health, and want to do more now.
- You’re feeling stuck!
So pick up the phone, and start your journey.

Multi-session coaching
If you’ve signed up for multi-session coaching, prepare for your sessions. If you’re thinking about signing up, these materials can give you more information about some of the topics you can explore.
Complete the personal action plan (English or Spanish).
Download your booklets for Wellness Coaching by Phone:
- Eat Well, Live Well— nutrition
- Get Active — physical activity
- A Good Night’s Sleep — improving your sleep
- Healthy Eating for Children — guidelines for ages 6-12
- Healthy Eating For Teens — guidelines for ages 13-17
- Independence from Nicotine — quit smoking/chewing/vaping
- Stress Less — stress management
En Espanol:
- Alimentacion saludable para ninos — guisa para ninos de 6 a 12 anos de edad
- Alimentacion saludable para adolescentes — guisa para ninos de 13 a 17 anos de edad
- Coma bien, viva bien: una buena alimentacion para su salud
- Liberese de la nicotina
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