Kids and Family Health
You want what’s best for your family. You especially want to make sure your kids thrive.
Más información sobre la salud familiar/del niño en español.

Help Your Child Learn Good Habits
Here’s a short tip sheet of 10 Healthy Habits, in English and Espanol.
Try using this worksheet to identify changes your family might be ready for now. Consider experimenting with just 1 or 2 changes at a time.
Write down goals and action steps for yourself and keep track of how often you reach them. Your kids can use this form to do their own healthy goal setting form to track their own goals.
Sometimes, you might need a little help keeping your family on track with their health and wellness goals. A health coach can provide support and information as you work toward goals, and help you find new coping strategies and stay on course. Learn more about Kaiser Permanente’s health coaching.
Start your children on a healthier track with 5-2-1-0 (English, Espanol).
Every day, work towards:
- 5 or more fruits and veggies
- 2 hours or less of screen time
- 1 hour or more of physical activity
- 0 sugar-sweetened drinks (English video, Espanol video)
Mental Health and Wellness
It’s common for children and teens to have mental health, emotional wellness, or substance use issues.
Follow these links on how to help or where to find support:
- Questions about youth mental health
- Common conditions
- Support and treatment
- Mindfulness tips for teens
- Help yourself, help your friends videos
Raising Active Kids
Being active helps you be healthier and stronger — and feel your best — at every age.
Want your family to be more active together?
- In Portland, play in the streets during Sunday Parkways presented by Kaiser Permanente, a series of free events opening the city’s largest public space – its streets – to walk, bike, roll, and play.
- Write down different activities on slips of paper and keep them in a “Get Up and Move” jar you can go to for ideas.
- Check your area park and recreation districts for activities and events.
- Try GoNoodle for lots of fun, short activities.
Encourage your kids’ schools to make physical activity a priority. Thriving Schools has some good tips and resources.
Healthy Futures
Take conflict off the menu. Learn proven strategies for coping with difficult eaters in the “Healthy Futures” webinar. You’ll also learn how to make mealtime more pleasant and rewarding for your family.
Watch a recorded presentation now.
Health coaches can support your and your family’s wellness. Talk with them about coaching for your family.
Encouraging Smart Food Choices
Good nutrition is fundamental to healthy living.
- Find an eating style that works for your family and fits your everyday life.
- Check out this webinar and related resources on overweight children and “Helping Without Harming.”
- Help your family with who-when-how much of eating with the Divisions of Responsibility.
- Promote healthy eating at your kids’ schools with these tips and strategies from Thriving Schools.
- Get some great recipes from Kaiser Permanente doctors, nurses, and dietitians. And check out these cooking videos, some featuring child helpers/testers.
- Being a picky eater is common among young children. These tips can help you deal with it in a positive way.
Check These Articles For Health Tips
- Be smart, turn the TV and computer off
- Encourage and join in your child’s play
- How exercise helps children and teens
- Making fast, healthy meals
- Family meetings can help you plan fun times, address problems
How Do I Help My Tweens And Teens Stay Healthy?
Helping your child through the tween and teenage years can be a daunting task. They’re growing up, their bodies are changing, and they’re more emotional about what you may consider to be the smallest things.
Learn more about how to guide your tween (11-14) and teen (15-18) to a healthy lifestyle.
Some good resources for your kids include:

Keeping Baby Healthy
Helping your newborn have the best start in life is essential. From breastfeeding and bathing to how to calm your newborn, ensuring best total health from day one is critical.
If you are a Kaiser Permanente Northwest member, choose a doctor for your baby.
Learn more about how to care for your newborn and care for yourself.
When your baby sends signals that she’s hungry or full, it’s important to respond promptly — and in a way that’s warm and loving. This is called “responsive feeding” — watch a video or read about it. When your child is a little older, watch this video for tips about infant feeding and introducing solid foods. You can also read these tips for starting solids.
Your Prevention Plan
Staying well by preventing or delaying disease is possible with kids’ health screenings and immunizations. Prevention plans can be tailored to every member of your family.
Learn more about preventive care and wellness resources.
Kaiser Permanente members can sign up to Act for a Family Member — order prescriptions, send email, and view lab results and other health info of a family member.